Our Class

Welcome to Year 5. Mrs Spencer and I are looking forward to working with you this year. 

We will be learning about some exciting topics this year, such as The Anglo Saxons and Vikings, Earth and Space and the Tudors.  We teach through a topic-based curriculum to ensure that learning is exciting and engaging for your child.  Please check our topic webs to find out what we will be learning each term.


Year 5 have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please ensure that your child is wearing trainers on these days.  


Children will be given weekly spellings which will be assessed in a piece of writing rather than as a spelling test. Please encourage your child to access Times Tables Rockstars as often as possible at home. 

Each half term, your child will be given a project to complete based on our class topic. These will be uploaded onto Seesaw at the start of every half term.

Reading books bags and reading records must be brought into school every day. Please ensure that your child reads to an adult as often as possible.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please come and speak to me either before or after school. 

Miss Jackson

Year 5 Class Teacher