We are delighted to announce that we are a School of Sanctuary.
A School of Sanctuary is a school that is committed to being safe and welcoming to all, especially those seeking sanctuary. This includes people whose lives were in danger in their own country, who have troubles at home or are just looking for a space of safety.
A School of Sanctuary is a school which helps its pupils, staff and wider community to understand what it means to be seeking sanctuary and to extend a welcome to everyone as equal, valued members of the school community. It is a place for all to feel safe, seen, supported and included.
At Hawthorn, we take pride in providing a highly inclusive environment, where children enjoy learning experiences which promote achievement, confidence and outstanding behaviour for learning. Children feel safe to try new things and through systems such as school council, eco warriors and art ambassadors, they know they have a voice that is valued and respected.
Our curriculum is carefully designed to develops the acquisition of knowledge and skills, enabling children to become; Effective Communicators, Reflective Thinkers, Aspirational and Active Citizens who work collaboratively with others and make a positive contribution to the life of the school.
Specific PSHE themes include valuing diversity, challenging discrimination and stereotypes, the value of rules and rights, belonging and being the same and different in the community, to name a few, are a focus. Our curriculum prepares children to be global citizens in a diverse society and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for later life.
Through our In Harmony music programme, all children learn an orchestral instrument. The joy of this is that, regardless of home/first language, the language of music is accessible to all. Our children thrive on the programme, where they immediately feel part of the music community, through weekly ensemble sessions and opportunities for boosting self-esteem and performing to an audience.
Information Now
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Visit InformationNOW to find out about everything from benefits advice to friendship groups and community centres.
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