Public Sector Equality Duty

Hawthorn Primary School

Equality Duty Statement



Hawthorn Primary School will abide by the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 and has developed this Equality Statement to help us meet our Public Sector Equality Duty (“Equality Duty”) under the Equality Act 2010. The Equality Duty makes sure public bodies play their part in making society fairer by tackling discrimination and providing equality of opportunity for all.

We are committed to giving due regard to equal treatment and opportunity for all staff, pupils and members of the wider community. We do all that we can to eliminate discrimination and foster good relations amongst all groups connected with the school.

The Equality Act covers nine protected characteristics, which cannot be used as a reason to treat people unfairly. They are:

  • Age (employees)
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership (employees)
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation.

The Equality Duty has two parts – the general duty and the specific duties. The general duty requires us to consider how our policies, practices and day-to-day activities impact on students and staff. We must have due regard to the need to:


  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not share it.

The specific duties require us to: publish information (Equality Analysis) to show how we are complying with the Equality Duty. This will be updated annually; and prepare and publish Equality Objectives. We will publish objectives at least once every four years.
Hawthorn Primary School is a small inner-city primary school serving an area of high socio-economic deprivation. In recent years, levels of deprivation amongst pupils in the school have increased. 60% of children are eligible for Free School Meals.

The majority of our pupils are drawn from the 10% most deprived wards in UK, with many drawn from the 1% most deprived wards in the UK. We are proud that this is not evident to school visitors as children have excellent learning behaviours and enjoy being at school. Hawthorn Primary has a changing pupil population. The percentage of EAL pupils stands at 64% - a rise of 20% in the past 6 years. There are 24 first languages represented at Hawthorn. The percentage of SEN pupils is 18% overall, this represents a wide range of additional needs.

The growing proportion of pupils from areas of deprivation and those of minority ethnic heritage makes for a rich experience of other cultures for all our pupils and inclusion and integration is very good. It also presents, however, a challenge for staff that are teaching and supporting pupils with varying levels of English Language competence.

Equality Objectives

To ensure the needs of all children are met through quality first teaching; providing access to the full curriculum for all including vulnerable children who may be at risk of underachieving; provide support to narrow the achievement gap.

  • Staff know the children well and adapt teaching to meet any additional needs.
  • Rigorously monitor the progress of all groups through regular Pupil Progress meetings, held with SLT and teaching staff, to identify any concerns and plan appropriate support either academic or pastoral.
  • Opportunities, at key points in the year, for parents to discuss their child’s progress; including through attending in school learning events and family learning workshops; including support for vulnerable families from Family Support Coordinator, including around any attendance issues.
  • Work closely with outside professionals to ensure early intervention and appropriate strategies are in place.
  • Develop new approaches to support for vulnerable groups through our work with ‘Raising Attainment for Disadvantaged Youngsters’ (RADY) and ‘Thinking Differently for Disadvantaged Learners’.

To create an environment where every child has the opportunity to thrive and succeed, irrespective of their protected characteristics; developing a culture of mutual respect and open dialogue where children know their rights and responsibilities.

  • PSHE curriculum supports a positive culture; including through classroom learning and assemblies.
  • Our enhanced curriculum gives children an awareness of different cultures, religions and beliefs while additional events throughout the year celebrate our diverse population at Hawthorn.
  • Children’s voices are valued including through groups such as School Council, Buddies and Eco Warriors; our children are empowered and promote their sense of ownership enhancing their educational experiences.

To provide a range of enhanced experiences, including after school clubs, for all groups of children to ensure equity of opportunity.

  • The school provides a wide range of after school activities, with no cost to our families, ensuring access to these opportunities for all.
  • Termly monitoring of attendance at clubs and activities to ensure representation of all vulnerable groups.
  • Our In Harmony music Programme, residential visits and trips are offered at no cost. All children have the same level of access and opportunities in school.
  • When taking part in national events such as Children in Need and World Book Day, we are mindful of the economic challenges of the community we serve.

These objectives are monitored by the senior leadership team and key staff alongside the school governing body and is reviewed in line with statutory guidance.

November 2023