Our Class

This is where we continue our learning after Reception and access The National Curriculum.

We will learn many new and exciting things this year. The learning that takes place in our classroom will capture our imaginations and spark curiosity. 
I will keep our Year 1 page updated with information, about what we have been doing.
Have a look at our topic web to see what we are learning each half term. 
We are always here to answer your questions and queries. Please do not hesitate to ask us at the gate or by ringing the school office. 
Mrs Adamson and Mrs Ali
Year 1 Team

School Uniform

Please ensure that you only wear our school uniform - navy jumper or cardigan, black trousers or skirt, white shirt or polo t-shirt. School shoes must be black - no trainers or branded shoes please.


Our PE lessons are twice a week. The days change every half term so keep an eye out for when we ask for trainers to be brought in. PE kits are provided by school. PE in Spring is on Wednesdays and Thursdays. 


Seesaw is an online learning app, similar to Tapestry. Each child has their own Seesaw account and this can be used at home. You can also see work which your child has produced in class. We put phonics videos on here for your children to do extra practise at home. 

Please download the app and encourage your child to use it. Seesaw home learning codes have been sent home with your child but if you require the home learning code again, please ask.