Our Class

Year 2 is a really significant year in the children’s lives at Hawthorn as they embark on their final year in Key Stage 1 and prepare for Key Stage 2. 

I will keep this page updated with information about what we have been doing and learning! Have a look at our topic web to see what we are learning each half term.

If you ever have any queries, please do not hesitate to speak to us at the gate or by ringing school. 

Miss O'Neill, Miss Thompson and Miss Gomez

Year 2 Team   
Start of the day:
Gates open at 8:30am and school starts at 8:35am. It is very important the children arrive on time to ensure they don't miss out on any of their learning.
End of the day:
School finishes at 3:30pm (Monday-Thursday) and 1:30pm on Fridays. Please be prompt when collecting your child.


We have two PE lessons a week. Our outdoor lesson is on a Monday and our indoor lesson is on a Thursday. Please ensure that your child brings trainers into school for our outdoor lesson on a Tuesday.

Reading Books

 Your child will bring their book bag home every night and these need to be returned to school on a daily basis. Reading books will be changed on Monday and Thursday.  Please support and encourage your child to read at home. 


Seesaw is an online learning tool. Each child has their own Seesaw account and this can be used at home. You can also see work which your child has produced in class. We put phonics videos on here for your children to do extra practise at home. Please download the app and encourage your child to use it. Seesaw home learning codes have been sent home with your child but if you require the home learning code again, please ask.