Autumn Term

All about ME!
Our first topic is 'Starting School.' We will work with the children to make sure they are comfortable and happy in their new learning environment.
In Reception, we teach the children to read using a scheme called 'Read, Write Inc.' The children are taught the sounds in set 1 through-out the year and then begin to blend these sounds together to read simple words. By the end of the year, the children will be able to read and spell simple words and also simple sentences.
By the end of Reception, I will be able to read all of these sounds from set 1:
See the source image
We have really enjoyed our "all about me" topic this half term. We have read stories such as Invisible Strings, My Jar of Happiness and Elmer to help us to understand that we are all different and that makes us special.  An activity we all enjoyed was creating our own self portrait for our display. 
European Languages Day
In Reception we have looked at the country Italy. We have listened to our favourite songs in Italian such as "Heads, shoulders, knees and toes" and we have created our own pizzas with lots of discussions about our favourite toppings. We also learnt to say "Per favore " which means please. We have had lots of practise  saying per favore at snack time.  Finally, we  shared our learning with the whole school in our very first sharing assembly. 
We have really enjoyed talking about the change in seasons in Reception and being able to talk about what they have seen.  In groups we went for a walk around school looking for signs of Autumn. We found lots of different coloured leaves in the trees and on the ground.  We found berries, apples and flowers in and around the orchard. In the edible garden we got very excited when we saw pumpkins and marrows especially because they were ready to be harvested. To finish our walk we went into the forest, where we found mushrooms growing by a tree trunk and lots of little acorns.